I just got back from a 3+ week family vacation in Germany and Italy with Gary and the boys and upon arrival in SFO I got 3 different emails from friends sending me this article published in Forbes
"Don't Marry a Career Woman"
Here's a discussion on BlogHer
and another from a friend and venture capitalist
Simply unbelievable . . .
Yet another article that pits the stay at home moms to the career women; denigrates choices many of us have made; paints "working women" as selfish, cheating, and infertile bitches; and obviously makes it harder on everyone including our husbands and children.
Yes,its hard to navigate marriage especially when roles are different than what we were raised with, everyone has to make tradeoffs, its not always easy for the husbands (or wives), everyone can't be going 100%+ all the time, and yes I can be demanding, bitchy etc. but geez, goddamit I work real hard to also be a good wife, mother, and lover. I don't want this message to go to my sons - I want them to find a love and a true partner to build a life together without the encumbrance of this bullshit.
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